The Best WordPress Report Plugin that generates Word or Excel documents in your WP in 1 click

WP Report Builder instantly creates documents and spreadsheets filling your templates with actual data.

Try it for free!
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Tired of filling in the same documents over and over again?

WP Report Builder automates the document generation on your WordPress site - all you need to do is prepare the templates.

Get documents generated in realtime

The document is prepared on request, and the data is pulled in realtime, always keeping downloads actual even if data changes each minute.

Learn about Instant Generation
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Use your usual Word or Excel files

Provide any DOCX or XLSX templates - e.g. use the corporate form that you already have with logo and business information.

Learn about Custom Templates
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Integrate with wpDataTables

Unlock the full potential of your data with seamless integration between wpDataTables and ReportBuilder. Streamline your reporting process and generate insightful reports effortlessly.

Learn about wpDataTables Integration
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Do not waste time on configuration or coding

WordPress Report Plugin has no settings at all, and each report is built in a wizard with several simple steps. Prepare the template and enjoy!

Learn about Report Building Wizard
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Generate and download 100 files in 1 click

Generate multiple documents in 1 click and download a ZIP file. For example, letters with personalized text to 100 people.

Learn about One-Click Bulk Generation
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“We’ve been using Report Builder to kick start every new project and can’t imagine working without it.”


See how it works

Change the text in the inputs, filter the table with the filters below columns, change amount of displayed rows - and download different versions of the generated report

[reportbuilder id=18 element="varInput" name="customer" text="Customer Name: " default="Customer" class=""]
[reportbuilder id=18 element="varInput" name="additionaltext" text="Additional notes: " default="Please note that the availability and the prices are subject to change" class="reportbuiderinput"]
[reportbuilder id=18 text="Download Report Example " class="reportbuilder_demo uk-button uk-button-primary "]

Interested? Purchase your license now!

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So many features

Each new update of WP Report Builder brings new features and improvements.

feature 1
MS Word DOCX report generation
DOCX reports can be generated in 1-click, single, or bulk, whether from a data source wpDataTable, or just with front-end users-provided data.
feature 2
MS Excel XLSX report generation
Single or multiple Excel XLSX reports can be generated with WP Report Builder, pulling data from your DB, or from other data sources.
feature 3
Unlimited front-end inputs
The reports can be filled in from input provided by the front-end user; also there are several predefined variables (username, current date).
feature 4
Calculate Totals
You can insert totals for certain values within the DOCX and XLSX reports; the values will be auto-calculated and inserted where you need them.
feature 5
Bulk Report Generation
You can configure a report so that a separate file can be generated for each wpDataTable row and download a ZIP file containing all of them, which makes bulk creating of documents easy.
feature 6
Easy to insert on pages
Once you prepare the report you can easily insert it on your page using standard WordPress Visual Editor or Visual Composer. You can add custom CSS classes to elements to match the theme.
feature 7
Updates and Support
Once you purchase the add-on license you get 1 year of support and 1 year of updates. Depending on your subscription plan you can use a license on one, three, or unlimited domains.
feature 8
Fully Documented
We have online documentation on all use cases with a detailed explanation of all the features, and additionaly, a library of usage examples for this WordPress Report Plugin.
feature 9
No Learning Curve
It is enough to look through one tutorial to start preparing your own reports, especially if you have experience with wpDataTables.
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