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What’s new / Changelog

What’s new / Changelog

Version 2.0 (Released 03.06.2024.)

New update:

  • Improvement: ReportBuilder is now standalone plugin, presenting a distinct improvement in functionality and flexibility.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 1.3.6 (Released 21.08.2023.)

An update with some improvements and bug fixes:

  • Improvement: Improved the activation and deactivation of the plugin.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with large reports
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 1.3.5 (Released 20.07.2022.)

New update with improvements and bug fixes:

  • Improvement: Improved sanitizing user data.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with notice on the browse page.
  • Other small bug fixes

Version 1.3.4 (Released 20.07.2021.)

A minor update with improvement and some bug fixes.

  • Improvement: Removed view of purchase code on Activation tab.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements

Version 1.3.3 (Released 03.06.2021.)

A minor update with a couple of bug fixes, and stability improvements:

  • BugFix: Fixed issue with activating licence on some servers because of file naming.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.7.2 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 1.3.2 (Released 02.02.2021)

A minor stability update including some patches for the update version.

Version 1.3.1 (Released 01.02.2021)

A minor update with bug fixes, and stability improvements:

  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with rendering numbers in reports
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 1.3 (Released 22.12.2020)

A minor update with a couple of features and bug fixes:

  • Feature: Added ${wdtrowindex.all} variable for templates with which you can create index column in Word or Excel templates.
  • Feature: Added functionality to set reports sorting order on browse pages.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.6 approved.
  • Compatibility with PHP 8 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 1.2 (released 29.06.2020)

A regular update with a couple of small bugfixes:

  • Improvement: Adopt back-end based on new wpDataTables admin UI.
  • Improvement: Browse reports in the backend (live search).
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with multisite.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.2 confirmed.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Please use this version only with wpDataTables 3.0 or greater!

Version 1.1.8 (released 19.03.2020)

  • BugFix: Fixed issue with deactivating license
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Please use this version only with wpDataTables 2.8.2 or greater!

Version 1.1.7 (released 28.11.2019)

  • BugFix: Addon is now compatible with jQuery 3.x.
  • BugFix: Fixed PHP notice for update of addon.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 confirmed.
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Please use this version only with wpDataTables 2.5.1 or greater!

Version 1.1.6 (released 15.04.2019)

  • Feature: New auto-update and plugin activation system. Make sure to re-acivate your purchase once again to make it work.
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Please use this version only with wpDataTables 2.5.1 or greater!

Version 1.1.5 (released 12.12.2018)

  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.0 confirmed.

Please use this version only with wpDataTables 2.3 or greater!

Version 1.1.4 (released 23.10.2018)

  • BugFix: Allowed non-accented characters to be used as a filename
  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Please use this version only with wpDataTables 2.3 or greater!

Version 1.1.3 (released 30.08.2018)

  • Small bug fixes and stability improvements.

Please use this version only with wpDataTables 2.3 or greater!

Version 1.1.2 (released 17.05.2018)

  • Fixes for special characters.
  • Fixes for new lines in the reports.

Version 1.1 (released 14.07.2017)

  • Major UI update – Material design for admin interface.
  • Implemented compatibility with wpDataTables 2.0.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.8 confirmed.

Please use this version only with wpDataTables 2.0 or greater!

Version 1.0.3 (released 14.03.2017)

  • Fix for follow table filtering.
  • Fix for HTML special characters.
  • Fix for “neverending” preloader.

Version 1.0.2 (released 20.01.2017)

  • Fix for PHP7 compatibility.
  • Fix for follow table filtering (was always limiting to 10 entries).
  • Removed the CSSLoader (preloader script) as it was causing problems, fixed preloader problems.
  • Minor patches for special chars usage in templates.
  • WP 4.7.1 compatibility confirmed.

Version 1.0.1 (released 25.07.2016)

  • Fix for large tables on front-end (caused 500 Server Error).
  • Fix for PHP versions which do not allow mime_content_type() method (caused 500 Server Error).
  • Fix for download button not working on some of front-end pages (caused infinite loader spinning).
  • Fix for empty cells in Excel (caused the variable placeholders to appear in the file).
  • Fix for row limit in large tables.

Version 1.0 – (released 12.05.2016)

Launch of Report Builder.